Society News

March 9, 2021

Election of Directors

Posted by: Webmaster

As we enter this new year we are preparing for our next SPNGHS election. In 2021 we will have three Board of Director positions open to members who may wish to fill one of these positions. Our Society is governed by six Director who oversee the daily activities of the Society, as well as the duties of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

All Directors of the Society are voted in by the membership and serve a two-year term, and have voting rights regarding issues of the Society. Some other duties of a Director are to further the goals and future of the Society, to develop and institute educational programs that promote the railroads of our interest, open up communications with other persons and organizations with interests compatible with ours. Directors also update our BYLAWS and other rules of the organization, participate in our annual history conference, assist with the publication the Journal, and attend to other matters relating to the future of our Society, and history and preservation of the railroads of our interest.

You do not need to be a California resident to be on the Board, and as well, you do not even have to be a resident of the United States. Because our Board of Directors and Officers are dispersed over many areas, our main way of communication is through the internet, and through an in-person
Board meeting during our annual conference. In the next issue of the Journal we explain in more detail how you can have your name, or other
person’s names, placed on the ballot for a Director position. In the meantime if you have any questions regarding the election process or the duties of a Director of our Society please feel free contact us.

April 5, 2017

The Slim Princess Reunion

Posted by: Webmaster

Just announced!

The Carson & Colorado Railway and the Laws Railroad Museum are excited to announce the return of Southern Pacific Narrow Gauge Locomotive #18 to the only remaining SP narrow gauge track for the “Slim Princess Reunion” September 22-24, 2017 at the Laws Railroad Museum in Bishop Ca.

#18 will operate numerous trips over the track she once called home. Passengers will also have the opportunity to ride behind #18 in caboose #401. The weekend operations will also include Death Valley Rail Car #5.

In addition to regular operations, there will be an exclusive night photo shoot including side by side photos with sister locomotive #9.

There will be a ticket charge for the ride in caboose #401.

Ticket price and additional information will be posted here as soon as it is available.

October 20, 2016


Posted by: Webmaster

Saturday October 15th was a great day for fans of Southern Pacific Narrow Gauge. After six years of hard work by the volunteers of the Carson & Colorado Railway, #18 moved on her own for the first time in 62 years!

The Carson & Colorado Railway group has posted a pair of video of the locomotive under steam on Instagram.

Southern Pacific #18 Under Steam Video 1.

Southern Pacific #18 Under Steam Video 2.

Southern Pacific #18 Full Steam.

Trains Magazine: Southern Pacific No. 18 Steams Again.

#18 has been moved from the previous display location along Highway 395, to a new location on the grounds of the Eastern California Museum in Lone Pine where a display building will be constructed. On special occasions it will be operated there utilizing 1200 feet of track to be built in the future.